We expect to see all children in our school uniform which makes them look smart and encourages them to take pride in St Mary’s and feel that they belong to the community; it also promotes positive attitudes to learning. Our Uniform Policy is non-negotiable and we expect the full support of parents in helping us ensure every child at St Mary’s is smart and proud to be a part of our school family.
- Grey trousers/tailored shorts
- White shirt/polo shirt
- Navy school jumper (logo or plain)
- Grey or white socks
- Black shoes (not trainers or boots)
- Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers
- White blouse/polo shirt
- Blue gingham check summer dress/ playsuit
- Navy school cardigan or jumper (logo or plain)
- Grey or white socks or grey tights
- Black shoes (not trainers or boots)
- White T-shirt
- Navy blue shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms
- Navy hoodie or sweatshirt (logo optional)
Names must be clearly marked inside each item of clothing.
School Uniform Policy
School-branded clothing is available from Andrew Hyde Schoolwear: https://ahyde.co.uk/collections/st-marys-cp-southam or telephone 0800 0590592
Alternately plain uniform in the correct colours may be worn.
(please note the uniform website shows a sample logo for illustration purposes only)
Please label all belongings – as well as each item of uniform, outerwear, bags, lunchboxes, water bottles etc. – this helps us to return them easily to the rightful owner.
- Stikins are multipurpose labels that can be used on clothing care labels, shoes and dishwasher items. We will get commission for any orders placed.
- To order Stikins name labels and raise money for the school, please visit https://www.stikins.co.uk/ and quote our school’s fundraising number 20781.
Click here to order Stikins name labels and raise money for the school.
If you use the link above and quote our school’s fundraising number 20781, we will get commission for any orders placed. Stikins are multipurpose labels that can be used on clothing care labels, shoes and dishwasher items.
PE Notes
- A reminder that PE kit is an extension of our uniform and rules do apply: Children should come to school in the correct PE kit on the days they have PE.
- Swimming Lessons: Times and the voluntary contributions involved will be advised at the start of every term. Girls should wear a one-piece swimsuit. Boys’ trunks should be above the knee. A swimming cap is highly recommended. For lessons timetabled first thing, costumes may be worn under uniform in the morning to speed changing. Please remember to name towels and kit bags as well as costumes/trunks.
- School Events: Your child may be selected to represent the school in events such as netball or football matches/tournaments, athletic or cross country events. Any equipment beyond PE kit will usually be provided, with the exception of Upper KS2 football, where boots and shin pads are required for team players.
- Withdrawal: Please ensure that, if for any reason your child is unable to take part in any of the Physical Education/Swimming activities, the class teacher is notified of the reason in writing in advance.
Toys and other belongings from home
- Toys, teddies, and other ‘treasures’ from home should not be brought into school. These items can get lost and damaged and this can cause upset and a distraction to learning in the classroom.
- We provide all of the necessary equipment for our children so stationery and pencil cases are not needed and should not be brought to school.