Mental Health and Wellbeing

At St Mary’s we believe mental health is important. We want to promote a positive mental health across the school.

What are mental health in schools teams (MHST)

Here are ‘Tips for Wellness’ from MHST:
Appreciation Be Active Being Mindful 
Bouncing Back Connecting Digital Detox 
Giving to Others Inclusion & Belonging Laughter
Learning Movement Relaxation 
Rest Self-Care Sleep & Rest 
Talking Thoughtful

Connect for health 

Warwickshire School Health & Wellbeing Service is a school nurse-led service that supports children, young people and their families. Compass provides this service under the ‘Connect for Health’ banner.

Look out for their regular e-magazines which are distributed with the school newsletter. 

Other Services and Support

CW Rise
Mental Health services for children and adolescents in Coventry and Warwickshire. They offer free 1:1 consultation to concerned parents and hold parent information sessions.
Urgent Support Line: 02476 641799 (8am-8pm) or 03002000011 (overnight)


Young Minds
A charity that supports young people’s mental health. Visit their website for useful resources, information, and blog articles.

Family Information Service (FIS)
Provides a hub of resources to support families in all aspects of life.

Trained counsellors who provide confidential support on any matter, big or small.
Telephone: 0800 1111 – Live Chat Available

The Mix
A support service for young people with lots of resources, forums and advice, as well as a free helpline or live chat.
Telephone: 0808 808 4994

Useful Weblinks: