For most pupils, the best place to be is in school, surrounded by the support of their friends and teachers.
This is important not just for your child’s learning, but also for their overall wellbeing, wider development and their mental health. The Chief Medical Officer has written a letter to schools explaining why regular attendance is vital to the life chances of children and young people.
As a parent, it can be difficult to know when to send your child into school if they are feeling unwell or mildly anxious, but finding solutions is a team effort between schools, parents and children, and there is support and information available to help you make the best decision for your child.
If you have concerns about your child’s attendance or are unsure whether you should bring them to school, please get in touch with the school for advice and to see how we can support.
At the start of the morning and afternoon sessions, a member of staff is required by law to complete the registers. Lateness is also recorded in the register. All late arrivals are monitored on a weekly basis and will be discussed with parents if they occur regularly.
Children arriving to school late must be accompanied by an adult and report to the office to register. They also need to explain why they are late. A child coming to school late regularly misses out on the start of lessons; just 10 minutes late per day is equivalent to missing out one English or Numeracy lesson per week.
If your child is absent from school, we would expect you to do the following:
If we do not know where a child is and you have not contacted the school:
If the school cannot make contact with the parent/carer and has not received confirmation of a reason for absence:
Absences are recorded as being authorised or unauthorised:
This is an absence that the school is aware of and accept as being reasonable.
These absences may include:
This is where the reason for the absence is unknown to the school, or the reason given is inappropriate. These absences may include:
Medical absence forms a large proportion of authorised absence, particularly at primary level. These guidelines may help to manage it as part of our schools’ attendance policy. Parents should be aware that the school will respond to persistent medical absence.
The headteacher monitors absence and will seek advice from the LA school attendance team where appropriate
Please see the linked guidance for parents and carers from Warwickshire Attendance team for more information:
There are things we can all do to help stop the spread of infections; teaching young people to do these things will help them to stay well and protect others.
Knowing when your child should stay at home from school or nursery if they are poorly can help slow the spread of many illnesses.
Adults should try to stay home when unwell too.
Children with a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough who are otherwise well and do not have a high temperature can continue to attend their education or childcare setting.
Hand-washing is one the most effective ways to stop germs from spreading.
Regularly washing hands in soap and warm water for 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser when out and about can help you and your child to stay well and not pass on germs.
Using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes and then binning it before washing your hands with soap and water or hand sanitiser can help to stop infection from spreading.
Teaching children this habit and providing them with tissues will help them to not pass on germs when they are unwell. Our e-bug resources for Early Years can help you to explain to your child what good hygiene habits are, how they can practise them and why they are important.
Getting your child vaccinated protects them and others they come into contact with. It’s best for your child to have their vaccinations according to the NHS vaccination schedule, but it’s never too late to check if they can still have them.
Call or visit your GP surgery to make sure your child has any vaccinations they’ve missed, whatever the reason.
Flu vaccination is available for all eligible age groups and is the best protection against the virus. Primary aged children are offered the quick and painless nasal spray vaccine at school.
You can read about who is eligible on the NHS UK website.
Most common childhood illnesses can be managed at home and NHS UK has lots of information available to parents: